Take my life, let it be consecrated to you Lord. Take my hands, and let them move at your impulse.

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Meditating the Word of God – 9th November, a beautiful hymn for today

Take my life, let it be consecrated to you Lord.

A surrendered life to the Lord Jesus is praiseworthy. When we obey the commandments, when we do the will of Jesus, we have a surrendered life. Our old man with envy, bitterness, jealousy no longer has any expression, but the goddess and love alone finds expression in our lives. The earlier, we step into fulfilling the plans that our Lord intends for us, the better. Thus, a surrendered life is a victorious life. Good to know this hymn and know it well in your heart as a prayer.

Declarations against Fear and Anxiety. Receive Freedom and Peace.

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Are you going through fear or anxiety? Is oppression or fear chasing you? Know any friends and family troubled. These declarations will remind us how God’s word will reveal the truth of the situation from Heaven’s perspective and make you bold and courageous. Repeat these a couple of times with understanding. Pray to the Holy Spirit for faith and understanding as you declare this. A moment’s prayer in faith will make a shift. The declarations based on portions of Isaiah 43 (NLT version) have been used to craft these declarations. This will bless you.

Declarations to improve relationship with Holy Spirit

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Meditating the Word of God – 4th November

Note: For today we are making a declaration.

We have here the declarations based on Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, Chapter 8. Many worldwide choose Romans 8 as among the most important Bible chapters for them. The verses in this chapter are a lifeline to many through the ages. I have found these to be powerful in navigating the course of my life and the decisions involved. One of my closest brothers or sisters in Christ, found freedom in verses from this chapter when they had fallen into the deepest trenches.