Why read the Bible?

Why read the Bible

These reasons to read the Bible are mentioned here, so that you benefit from this fresh resorvoir of blessings. Once you make reading the Bible a habit, everyday, every season of your life will be blessed with love, wisdom, favour, peace, joy, victory, patience, kindness, discernment, faithfulness, fulfilment, healing, wholesomeness…

You should read the Bible:
a) For ‘knowing God’ and developing a relationship with God
b) Finding what God has already given you
c) For unveiling what’s hidden for you to discover
d) To start hearing from God
e) For getting dreams and visions from Heaven
f) Receiving keys to taking care of gift of life
g) For a peaceful, abundant life
h) For a ‘good love life with your spouse’ + other reasons
i) For staying away from sin
j) To be strong and defeat enemies of any size!
k) Knowing your identity in God
l) Standing in faith without fear to see the salvation of the Lord

Do you fight the good fight?

Do you fight the good fight

Yes, we are to fight. Not any kind of fight. But the good fight. If you don’t do it, you either lose or you take 40 years while it should have taken 11 days.

What is a good fight?
The good fight is not to harm, injure or kill.
But the good fight is powerful in its impact.
It’s a fight with great determination.
Determination to bring down mountains of hindrance.
It’s a fight to make a dry ground path to cross across the deep river.
Simply said it is ignoring every contrary situation and circumstances which can hinder your victory.

Called to Freedom

Called to Freedom

Whatever we slip into, we are slaves to. We do not want to go there, yet we visit! We should stop this.

It can be binge watching. It can be heavy social media usage. It can be envy. It can be laziness. Being disorganized. It can be pornography. It can be black sliding. Poor time management.

Whatever displeases Jesus we need to stop. A daily Bible reading is a starting place.