Declaration: The Lord makes a way. My prosperity is from him.

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These declarations are based on the Book Of Isaiah, Chapter 145

This is what the Lord says to his anointed, to me.
My Lord Jesus takes hold of my right hand
To subdue nations before me and
To strip kings of their armour,
To open doors before me
So that gates will not be shut.

The Lord makes all my ways straight
He rebuilds my city
Men from East & the West will come to me
They will declare that God is with me
They will confess there is no other God but mine

What my Lord has spoken
Will not be revoked
Before him every knee will bow;
By me every tongue will swear.
They will say, ‘In the Lord alone
are deliverance and strength.’”
All who have raged against him
will come to him and be put to shame.

The Lord will go before me and
The Lord will level mountains
The Lord will break down gates of bronze
The Lord will cut through bars of iron.

The Lord will give me the treasures of darkness
The Lord will give me riches stored in secret places
So that I may know that, He is my Lord
He calls me by my name
He gives me a title of honour

All this comes from the Lord
Almighty is He
The Lord is wonderful in counsel
He is magnificent in wisdom
He is my Lord