Bible Quiz: Difference Between New Vs Old Testament

difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament

The Holy Bible is divided into two. One set of books is called the Old Testament, the other set is the New Testament. Many do not know the essential difference. When we know better, we can apply that understanding to get greater fruitfulness from our lives. 


So that, (1) We bring glory and honour to the Lord to a better extent.
              (2) We have a fulfilling life as per the plans and purposes of God. 

Why should we not be anxious? As per Jesus ..+ more Bible Quiz

Why should we not be anxious As per Jesus ..+ more Bible Quiz

This is a different kind of Bible Quiz. Even if you know the questions, you will be the victor as you learn precious truths. 

So go through the questions without trying to peep into the answers. Only after having tried the questions consider going through the answers.

You will love the process and most likely you will increase/start the way you read the Bible. 

Fall in love with the Bible once again.