Declarations for an Abundance of Joy

Why be joyful? Why rejoice always?

The Bible tells us to rejoice in all circumstances. Make these declarations aloud. Believe them as you declare them daily. A person filled with joy of the Lord knows: For with God nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37). Hence filled with hope and sees possibilities.

Jesus redeemed us from all our sins – past, present and future.  Jesus paid the price i.e. penalty for our sins by dying on the cross. So we are free. We are no longer slaves to our old sinful nature. This is a great reason for us to rejoice. We have freedom.

Why Christians are so joyful?

Why Christians are so joyful

Christians have no option but to be joyful. The Bible reminds this in very direct and clear terms.

Neither the burden of sin or hopeless situations can create a road block for them in their journey to Joy. You can read these in a separate blog post after August 18th 2024, click here. 

But, here we read powerful truths, Bible based reasons to be joyful. And the rest of the reasons are intentionally left out for you to read from the Bible yourself and discover yourself. Remember there is no substitute to daily Bible reading and meditating on Bible verses one is quickened about. And God who has shown me reasons for joy will also show you verses which will remind you why you should be joyful.

Shhh….Secret. How to remain beautiful …at all ages?

Shhh… Top Secret. How can you remain beautiful …all ages?


We like beauty. We desire to stay beautiful. We like hearing others say we look beautiful. Tell any little girl, that she looks like a pretty princess, you can see her become happy. We also get much happiness watching beautiful people.

The value of the beauty industry points to the great desire to remain beautiful. In 2019, the beauty industry was @ US$532 billion business across the world. The industry will grow by 5%-to-7% compound annual rate of growth to approx $800 billion by 2025. ( The OTC (over-the-counter) drugs industry was at US$ 161 billion in 2021, expected to reach US$ 294 billion by 2030, growing at a registered CAGR of 6.9% (2021 to 2030). Whereas in 2019 the global pharma industry was @ US$ 1,300 billion.).