Declarations: Deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit

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Declarations to walk with Holy Spirit

Declarations for a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit

Here are a few declarations based on Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, Chapter 8 and others from other parts of the Bible. These declarations will help you build a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, it’s good that He was going to the Heavenly Father so that the Holy Spirit can be sent. The Holy Spirit reminds us about the teachings of Jesus Christ. This enables us to speak and do things that bring Heaven down. Sin and sinful circumstances flee. The Holy Spirit helps us to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. 

Declarations for stronger relationship with Holy Spirit 

The Spirit of God is in me.
I choose to live surrendered to the Holy Spirit.

I am led by the Spirit of God. I am a child of God.
I have set my mind on what the Spirit desires.

My mind is governed by the Spirit.
The Holy Spirit leads me to an abundant life and peace.

As the Spirit of God lives in me, I live in the Spirit realm.
I put to death the misdeeds of my body by the Spirit.

The Spirit of God intercedes for me when praying in tongues.
The Spirit intercedes for me according to the will of God.

The Holy Spirit enables me to produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit daily.
The fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

I know that against the fruit of the Holy Spirit there is no law.
I receive a better understanding of this, to bring God’s Kingdom here on earth.

I live according to the Holy Spirit, not according to the flesh.
I am not governed by sinful nature, as it does not please God.

I have received power as the Holy Spirit has come upon me.
I will be a witness to Jesus Christ everyday.

The Holy Spirit is my Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate and Strengthener.
The Holy Spirit teaches me all things, and brings to remembrance all things Jesus has said.

All these I declare in the matchless name of Jesus Christ.

Here are powerful Declartion Prayers for a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit based on Bible verses.

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