Healing through the Holy Communion

About the Holy Communion
The Holy Communion was instituted by Lord Jesus Christ for us – that means for you, as well for me. Jesus Christ knew very well that he was to be crucified and why he was to be crucified. Yet he who was fully man, chose to go ahead into this with full awareness.

Jesus as fully God
While he suffered all these, He was fully man. He was Fully God when he was birthed by the Holy Spirit without man’s intervention. So unlike us, Jesus did not inherit sin as He was born of God (the Holy Spirit).

I am prayer declarations in Christ

I am prayer declarations in Christ

Why do we need these identity declarations “I am declarations” ?

God has given us an identity when He made us. When we walk in awareness of that identity, we have abundant peace, great joy and ongoing victory, even as we pass through storms and wilderness.

Whereas the lie of the enemy gives nothing but confusion, anxiety, anger and fills one with hate and dislike. 

We are made in the image and likeness of God. The Bible verse in Geneses 1:26 points to this.

But the choice to accept the truth and live a wholesome life is ours. Many of us know that as we follow the owners manual and instructions the equipment we bought will serve us best with no breakdown.

God gave us free will. He did not want to impose obedience to make us like slaves and robots with no will. God’s great desire is to have us as His loving sons and daughters living life with freedom and authority as His children.

In the world, the lies of the enemy are heard without effort. But the truth of God’s word, the truth of our creator can be established as we take effort to declare God’s word over our lives.

Here as we make these declarations in faith, we remind ourselves the truths of our identity – which leads us to make a definite effort, we make a push in that direction.

These declarations are based on the verses from the Bible – the Word Of God. Within 6 weeks of daily decorations, you are bound to be organised and be a systematic person.