Is Mary, Jesus’ mother, superior to you? + more fun Bible quiz!

Is Mary, Jesus’ mother, superior to you?

Many learn History, Geography, Carpentry, Law, Economics and many other subjects to earn a living. But when it comes to learning the Bible, many do not put in any effort. The reason is often simple ignorance of the benefits of learning the Bible. Some think that they know the Bible from the sermons they hear at church. Many are aware that the Bible not only teaches one about one’s purpose in life, about how to delight God and shows the pathway to eternal life. Some postpone learning the Bible until after retirement. Many are ignorant that spiritual principles in the Bible are superior to the worldly principles of life and lead to wholesome, successful lives with an abundance of Peace, Joy and Love.

Why read and study the Bible?

Why read and study the Bible?

The Holy Bible is the living Word of God. Although many individuals have written various portions of the Bible, the whole scripture is authored by the Holy Spirit. Thus there is much power to change situations and circumstances, to guide and restore, to heal and make wholesome, to change and transform lives in the Holy Bible. All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. ( ref. 2 Timothy 3:16 )