Who Knows The Secret of the Lord? And 7 Interesting Bible Quiz

Be successful. Know the answers from the Bible perspective

Many questions have different answers. But the answers  gleaned from the textbook which is part of the syllabus gets the greatest weightage. Better grades and marks are most likely this way. As Christians, we find that we need to improve our learning of the Bible – the user manual which comes for each one of us to live a renewed life. These FAQs are meant to help us in our understanding and our using this great opportunity of a lifetime. 

Question a) Who shall enter into the presence of the Lord? Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? Who shall stand in his holy place? Try guessing the answer – only later click on this link Sectionto be taken to the answer.

Answer a) Psalms 24 answers this question. 
From verse 3 we get this answer.  He that hath clean hands and pure heart can enter the presence of the Lord. He is not associated with falsehood or to what is false, nor sworn deceitfully. A person who does not worship idols and never tells lies.

Note the question itself was in Psalm 24:2
Another version of this answer is found in this link. Click here to read it.

Question b) How to strengthen the heart? Try guessing the answer – only later click on this link to be taken to the answer.

Answer b) After waiting on the Lord and being of good courage, the Lord will strengthen my heart.  (Psalms 27:14 answers this question.)

Question c) Does the Lord reward the cleaness of hand? Try guessing the answer – only later click on this link to be taken to the answer.

Answer c) Yes most certainly, the Lord rewards the cleanses of hand. He rewards my righteousness. The Lord restored me because of my innocence.

To further explain this I have kept the ways of the Lord. and have not wickedly departed from my God. I did not put away his statutes from me. I was also upright before him, and I kept myself from mine iniquity.

Therefore, the Lord recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in his eyesight.

With the merciful you will show yourself to be merciful; with an upright man you will show yourself upright. With the pure you will show yourself pure. With the disobedient the Lord will show Himself to be difficult.  This answer is from Psalms 18: 20 to 26. 

Question d) Who knows the secret of the Lord? Try guessing the answer – only later click on this link to be taken to the answer.

Answer d) The secret of the Lord is revealed with them that fear the Lord. 
This answer is from Psalms 25: 14

Question e) What is clean and endurath for ever? Try guessing the answer – only later click on this link to be taken to the answer.

Answer e) The fear of the Lord is clean and endureth for ever. 
This answer is from Psalms 19: 9 

Question f) What is pure and enlightening the eyes? Try guessing the answer – only later click on this link to be taken to the answer.

Answer f) The commandment of the Lord is pure and enlightening the eyes. 
This answer is from Psalms 19: 8

Question g) What is to be desired more than god, fine gold, hone & honeycomb?Try guessing the answer – only later click on this link to be taken to the answer.

Answer g) These 3 matters are to be desired more than, gold, fine gold, honey & honeycomb – the law of the Lord, the statutes of God, the commandement of God, the fear of the Lord and the Judgements of the Lord. 
This answer is from Psalms 19: 7 to 9