Receive Mercy : Confess and Forsake sin

The burden of sin is enormous. But when we choose to seek repentance, we receive mercy. 

Galatians 5:24-25 stats this beautiful way to get rid of the heavy weight of sin and sinful lifestyle. The verse is given below in 3 versions of the Bible. Read these verses twice prayerfully.

He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. (Version KJV)
If you cover up your sin you’ll never do well. But if you confess your sins and forsake them, you will be kissed by mercy. (version TPT)

In these scriptures a couple of aspects can stand out.
1) We should not cover up a sin, rather it’s important to own up one’s sins. We can own up our sins by confessing it.
2) Not only we should own up and confess our sin, we should forsake them.

God forgives those who carry out the above. What is not stated but implied is that we as fellow beings should forget and forgive the sins. This is necessary.

3) A beautiful hidden key is the pathway to prosperity. As we do 1 and 2, we shall prosper. This is the word of God and great blessings are hidden in it for our claiming it and receiving it.