Declarations for a Breakthrough. God is a Way Maker, Miracle Worker

Declarations for a Solution

When the wine was over during the wedding in Cana, Jesus transformed water into wine. When over five thousand men and others had come to hear Jesus speak and there were only five loaves and two fish, Jesus multiplied the food. When the disciples were overwhelmed by the storm, Jesus calmed the storm and in a moment the sea became still. Jesus spoke and situations and circumstances were transformed. Lame could walk, the tax collector and his household were saved, the Samaritan lady at the well was transformed and she became the reason for all people in her city to know the Lord Jesus Christ.

Declarations to Speak with Grace and Power

Declarations to speak with grace and power

We either build relationships with words or let them fail when we do not speak correctly. This happens in our homes, at work, in business, in church and elsewhere. Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour knew when to speak, had great will power to remain silent when it was the best option. When Satan tried to entice him with sin quoting scripture, Jesus spoke with wisdom with power citing the appropriate context of the scripture.